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Photography Gear Reccomendations

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Camera Gear

  • DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
  • wide-angle lens – 12-24 (range) mm ideally with a max aperture of f/2.8 or larger.
  • mid range lens – 24-70 (range)
  •  zoom lens – I’d recommend one that can zoom to 200mm or greater
  • tripod – highly recommend Peak Design Travel Tripod. Aluminum tripod. Carbon fiber tripod
  • ND filters. I use this pack by Urth. 
  • extra batteries (at least one, ideally 2-3)
  • extra memory cards (at least 256 GB) 
  • Remote to fire camera, this is optional. If time and weather allow we may  be learning how to do long exposures for clouds. If you don’t have a remote to fire your camera you won’t be able to go past 30 seconds.
Finding the right filters can be confusing on the stops and thread size, please reach out if you are unsure. You will want to purchase filters for your widest lens. Please note these don’t work on curved lens glass unless you have a filter holder.
Here is an article on how to find your filter size –…/lens-diameter…/
You don’t need to buy gear just for the workshop. You can RENT lenses. I have used Borrow Lenses before with success.

Other Gear

  • Water bottle
  • Hiking Boots – sneakers are fine for city based workshops
  • Rain gear 
  • headlamp (optional)

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

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