As a photographer, having your work featured and published by National Geographic is like the holy grail of accomplishments. I am still pinching myself that this even happened.
I joined the Nat Geo Yourshot community awhile back and I never really uploaded anything. Fast forward to this year where I revisited my profile and staring sharing my landscape work there. You can find my profile here.
In October my rainbow image was chosen as a photo of the week. You can find that story here. The photos of the week are shared on the main site of Nat Geo which is huge!

You can imagine my surprise when one of my images was chosen a second time as an image of the week! You can see that image here. While I love my portrait work, I feel strongly pulled in the direction of landscape photography. Having Nat Geo recognize my work really makes me want to pursue this even more!

Then they featured it on their Instagram account, what an honor! It just goes to show that if you follow your passion, keep learning, and pushing yourself to grow that you can accomplish so much.